Répondre aux Exigences de Test d'Intrusion SOC 2

Services de Test d’Intrusion Pour la Conformité SOC 2

Nos services aident les organisations à répondre aux exigences de test d’intrusion de la norme SOC 2 de manière simple et efficace.
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What is SOC 2 Compliance?

Developed by The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), the primary goal of SOC 2 is to establish standards for the management of data security in an organization. It provides 5 key controls to help companies manage customer data, known as the Trust Service Principles (TSP). SOC 2 compliance is now one of the most common requirements from business that mandates a third-party assessment of your security controls.

Our penetration testing services are designed to facilitate compliance with the PCI-SOC 2 security testing requirements.


Reasons to Become SOC 2 Compliant

Complying with SOC 2 generates value for your business, as it can help clients, prospects, stakeholders and other interested parties gain confidence in the internal control environment of your organization.

Secure business partnerships

Improve your security measures

Prevent incidents & financial losses

Protect your brand image

Appeal to investors and buyers

Comply with 3rd-party requirements

Types of SOC 2 reports

There are two ways to approach SOC 2 compliance:

  • Type I – describes a vendor’s systems and whether their design is suitable to meet relevant trust principles.
  • Type II – details the operational effectiveness of those systems.

Type 1 reports can be compared to a simple “note to reader” financial statement. Type 2 reports, on the other hand, can be compared to an audited financial statement. Therefore, the most involved, detailed, and valuable certification that evaluates your operations is a Type 2 report.


The Trust Service Principles of SOC Compliance

Privacy Controls

Personal information is collected, used, retained, disclosed and disposed [of] to meet the entity’s objectives.


Information designated as confidential is protected to meet the entity’s objectives.


Information and systems are available for operation and use to meet the entity’s objectives.

Processing Integrity

System processing is complete, valid, accurate, timely, and authorized to meet the entity’s objectives.


Information and systems are protected against unauthorized access, unauthorized disclosure of information, and damage to systems that could compromise the availability, integrity, confidentiality, and privacy of information or systems and affect the entity’s ability to meet its objectives.

Vumetric, Leader en Cybersécurité

Vumetric est une entreprise certifiée ISO9001 qui offre des tests d’intrusion, des audits de sécurité informatique et des services spécialisés en cybersécurité. Nous appliquons les bonnes pratiques de cybersécurité à chaque projet et avons fourni nos services à travers cinq continents. Nous comptons parmi nos clients des entreprises Fortune 1000, des PME et des agences gouvernementales.

Expérience pratique

Aucune sous-traitance

Transparence et réputation

Experts certifiés

Résultats concrets

Indépendance et impartialité

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