Mobile Application Penetration Testing

Our mobile application penetration testing services focus on identifying security vulnerabilities. These are the weak points that hackers exploit in real-world scenarios to compromise your mission-critical applications and sensitive data.

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What is Mobile Application Penetration Testing?

Mobile application pentesting is a critical process that examines and fortifies mobile applications against cyber threats by mimicking real-world hacking techniques to identify vulnerabilities and recommend mitigations. Testing the security of your mobile application is imperative in today’s technologically advanced age, where mobile apps are not only more prevalent, but also increasingly complex and integral to business operations. As applications become more customized, proprietary, and diverse, the security risks they face are inherently complex and varied. Our recognized expertise in this area has been instrumental in protecting numerous mission-critical mobile apps from complex business logic flaws and technical vulnerabilities that go far beyond a traditional network security assessment.

In a digital environment where threats are increasingly targeting mobile applications, compliance standards such as PCI-DSS, ISO 27001 and SOC 2 are becoming more stringent and often include mobile applications within their scope. Organizations are now faced with additional requirements to navigate and comply with. Our Mobile App Pentest Services not only help you strengthen your mobile applications, but also ensure that you successfully navigate and comply with complex requirements as efficiently and effectively as possible.


Why Should you Perform Mobile Application Penetration Testing?

  • Tackle Unique Mobile app Security Risks
    Mobile apps have design elements unique to their architecture. These can expose sensitive data and functionalities to manual hacking techniques. Mobile app penetration testing can identify and address these vulnerabilities.
  • Navigate Complex App Interactions
    Mobile applications frequently interact with multiple APIs and back-end services. This complexity often results in unique security challenges and vulnerabilities, which are best assessed through specialized testing.
  • Address Platform-Specific Risks
    iOS and Android platforms present their own sets of mobile app security challenges. Mobile app penetration testing can help in tailoring mitigation strategies specific to your chosen platform.
  • Safeguard User Privacy & Data Security
    One of the core objectives of mobile app security is to handle user data in a manner that’s both secure and compliant with regulations. Mobile App Penetration testing can assess how well your app meets these crucial requirements.

How Will Mobile Application Pen testing Help Secure My Apps?

  • Identify and Exploit Vulnerabilities
    We manually test your mobile app security to discover and exploit weaknesses, using hacker-like tactics to pave the way for real-world remediation strategies.
  • Validate Business Logic
    Our testing examines the app’s business logic to identify potential weak points that could be manipulated, guaranteeing the app functions as securely as intended.
  • Fortify API Communications
    We assess the security controls of your APIs to ensure robust, encrypted communication between the app and back-end servers.
  • Scrutinize Third-Party Components
    Our mobile app pen testing services also evaluate third-party libraries, SDKs, and APIs integrated into your app to make sure they don’t introduce new vulnerabilities and are securely implemented.
Services highlights

What Will be Assessed During a Mobile App Penetration Test?

  • User Data Security
    Data storage, transmission, encryption, and user privacy settings.
  • API and Backend Security
    API authentication, authorization, data validation, and secure communication.
  • Business Logic Integrity
    Workflow, data processing, transaction processes, and error handling.
  • Platform and OS Security
    Platform-specific vulnerabilities, OS-level security, and interaction with device hardware.
  • Third-Party Integrations
    Security of third-party services, libraries, and SDKs integrated into the app.
  • And more
    Including code security, memory handling, session management, and more.
Cybersecurity Solutions for Saas

OWASP Mobile Top 10 Testing Methodology

Our methodology integrates the OWASP Mobile Top 10 standards to identify vulnerabilities unique to each mobile application.Our tests focus on best practices for mobile application security, including both backend and front-end.


What are the Benefits of Conducting a
Mobile Application Penetration Test?

Penetration tests are essential for safeguarding your mobile applications against evolving cybersecurity threats

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Improved Mobile App Security

Elevate the overall security of your mobile applications by identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities and potential threat vectors.

Protecting Revenue Streams

Safeguarding in-app purchases and transaction functionalities from vulnerabilities that could disrupt sales and negatively impact revenue.

Regulatory Compliance

Successfully meet the cybersecurity requirements of various regulatory standards and third-parties, avoiding fines and penalties.

Enhanced Dev Practices

Implement penetration testing insights into development practices, ensuring mobile app security is prioritized from app creation.

Minimizing Downtime

Identifying vulnerabilities exploitable to cause service interruptions, ensuring your mobile applications are available and reliable for users at all times.

Informed Security Investments

Utilize testing insights to make data-driven decisions on where to allocate resources and investments within your security infrastructure.


Ready for a Quote for Your Mobile App Pentest Project?

Get a detailed quote by answering a few questions about your project!

Our Mobile App Penetration Testing Process

If your organization has not gone through a cybersecurity assessment before, you may not know what to expect. Even if you have, maybe you are wondering what Vumetric’ stages are. Here is a high-level break down of each step of our proven process:

Project Scoping

Duration: ~ 1-2 days

Activities: We learn about your specific needs and objectives.

Outcome: Business proposal, signed contract.

Kick-off / Planning

Duration: ~ 1 hour

Activities: We review the scope of work, discuss requirements and planning.

Outcome: Scope validation, test planning.

Penetration Testing

Duration: ~ 2-3 weeks

Activities: We execute the test in accordance with the project scope.

Outcome: Detailed penetration test report, presentation.

Remediation Testing

Duration: Up to 1 month

Activities: We test and validate vulnerability fixes.

Outcome: Remediation report, attestation.


Download The Vumetric Penetration Testing Buyer's Guide!

Learn everything you need to know about penetration testing to conduct successful pentesting projects and make informed decisions in your upcoming cybersecurity assessments.


FAQ About Mobile Application Pentesting

Couldn’t find the information you were looking for? Ask an expert directly.

Mobile application pen test should ideally be performed at least annually to ensure consistent security against evolving threats. Additionally, it’s recommended to conduct a pen test after any significant changes or updates to the application or its hosting infrastructure, as new features, integrations or modifications can introduce new unknown vulnerabilities.

Our mobile application penetration tests help organizations of all types meet compliance requirements by identifying vulnerabilities that require remediation.Upon completion of the remediation testing (free of charge), we provide an official attestation that the vulnerabilities have been remediated, helping organizations efficiently meet compliance requirements.

The cost of a penetration test varies significantly depending on the scope of the assessment.In the case of a mobile app penetration test, the complexity of the application is the primary factor that influences the pricing.

Learn more about the main factors that determine the cost of a penetration test →

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As a leader in application security testing, we adhere to globally recognized standards and methodologies.We use the OWASP Mobile Top 10 to help our clients secure their mobile apps against the most damaging vulnerabilities. We also use the MITRE ATT&CK framework to comprehensively test mobile app security against the latest hacking techniques and strategies.


Why Choose Vumetric For Mobile Application Penetration Testing?

Vumetric is an ISO9001-certified boutique provider entirely dedicated to penetration testing, with more than 15 years of experience in the industry. Our methodologies are proven and our understanding of cybersecurity risks is extensive, allowing us to provide clear advice to our clients that is pragmatic, adapted to their needs and efficient in securing against the latest security threats.
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Our testing methodologies are based on industry best practices and standards.


Our team of certified experts conducts more than 400 pentest projects annually.

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We provide quality reports with actionable recommendations to fix identified vulnerabilities.

REal Customer Testimonials

Read Our Clients' Success Stories

Discover how our pentest services helped organizations improve the security of their mission-critical Web Apps:

Additional Resources

Featured Cybersecurity Resources

Gain insight on emerging hacking trends, recommended best practices and tips to improve your cybersecurity posture:

OWASP Top 10

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Cybersecurity Incidents

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World-Class experts

Certified Penetration Testing Team

Our experts hold the most widely recognized penetration testing certifications. Partner with the best in the industry to protect your mission critical IT assets against cyber threats.


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Penetration Testing Buyer's Guide

Everything You Need to Know

Gain full confidence in your future cybersecurity assessments by learning to plan, scope and execute projects.
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